The Group was started in 1932 and has been at the present address since 1952. We attract young people, both male and female, from a very wide area covering the postcode area W4.
We are led by our Lead Volunteer (Group Scout Leader) who is supported by 18 Leaders and a Trustee Board.
Our youth membership comprises of Beavers Scouts (6 to 8 years), Cub Scouts (8 to 10½ years), Scouts (10½ to 14 years) and Explorer Scouts (14 to 18 years) and, as an extension to our youth sections, we have a Scout Network (18 to 25 years). There are over 100 youth and Network members and 14 Leaders in the Group.
In accordance with the aims of The Scout Association we try to offer challenge and adventure to all our members and help them fulfil their potential and become useful members of their community. This is done by working in teams, learning by doing, and being encouraged to think for themselves.
Whatever we do we have fun!!!!